American Public Gas Association
Energy Information Administration
- U.S. Underground Natural Gas Storage Developments: 1998-2005
(10/17/06). The report examines the current status of the underground natural gas storage sector in the United States.
- Next commission meeting: 11/16/06. View Details.
- Final rule revises PURPA mandatory purchase obligation for electric utilities, as mandated by Energy Policy Act Press Release Chairman's Statement Order No. 688
- Commission finalizes rule on consolidated federal record for judicial review of gas infrastructure proposals Press Release Chairman's Statement Order No. 687
- Commission expands eligibility of blanket certificate activities for natural gas infrastructure projects Press Release Chairman's Statement Order No. 686
- Commission approves 11.2 percent return on equity for rates charged by Kern River Gas Transmission Press Release Chairman's Statement Opinion No. 486
National Energy Board Canada
- The Energy Futures Report will be released in October, 2007. In advance of this report the NEB is involved in a number of activities to gather information such as an energy speaker series and a cross-Canada tour to speak with energy experts.
- September issue of Regulatory Agenda.
- Title: Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) in Liquid Pipelines
- NTSB Report Number: SS--05--02, adopted on 11/29/2005
- NTIS Report Number: PB2005-917005
- Pipeline Safety: Notice of proposed Rule making: Application of Public Awareness Regulations to Certain Gas Distribution Operators pdf Version
- Notice of Proposed Rule making: Pipeline Safety: Protecting Unusually Sensitive Areas from Rural Onshore Hazardous Liquid Gathering Lines and Low-stress lines pdf Version
- PHMSA Summer 06 newsletter HERE
- National Pipeline Mapping System Updates: Checkplot Viewer – September 27, 2006 A new tool for reviewing checkplots online will be released in October 2006. The checkplot viewer is for operators to use in reviewing their pipeline and LNG data after it has been processes by National Repository staff.