Friday, December 1, 2006

December 2006 Update

American Gas Association

American Public Gas Association
  • October 13, 2006 - the American Public Gas Association made recommendations on pricing transparency in testimony before the Federal Energy Regulatory commission.
Association of Oil Pipe Lines
Energy Information Administration
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
National Energy Board Canada
Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
  • Advisor Bulletin AbB-06-03-Notice: Notice to Operators to natural Gas and hazardous Liquid Pipelines to Accurately Locate and Mark Underground Pipelines Before Construction-Related Excavation Activities commence Near the Pipelines.
  • Anti-spill rules could hide danger: Oil and chemical companies could keep more secrets about the safety of pipelines and the hazardous materials they use under a proposal by state environmental officials.
In the news...
  • Corrosion has become the leading cause of hazardous-liquid pipeline accidents, causing a quarter of all reported spills in the past six years, and the shutdown earlier this year of one of the nation's largest oil fields, a review by the Houston Chronicle and industry groups shows. Read more.
  • WASHINGTON — A U.S. Senate committee approved legislation Thursday that calls for broader federal regulation of low-stress oil transmission pipelines, partly in reaction to leaks found on two such lines at Prudhoe Bay earlier this year. Read more.
  • European Commission President Jose Barroso urged the split of energy companies into separate transmission and supply businesses to bolster competition in the European Union's electricity and natural-gas market. Read More.
  • December 14, 2006 - NAESB Board of Directors Meeting - Scheduled for December 14, 2006 in Houston, TX at the Marriott Houston Intercontinental Hotel.


The Pipeline Place is a area to access and comment on all relevant information on standards and regulations specific to the North American pipeline industry. Sponsored by Energy Solutions, this blog includes feeds from government agencies, links to various standards bodies, and the latest reports and articles. There will be a monthly update highlighting new regulatory information as well as articles from our technical staff on pipeline simulation, leak detection, nominations & scheduling and gas forecasting. Please let us know what other topics you would like to read about. To subscribe to receive reminders on the monthly Standards update email: Thank you!